We're not sure which is more disappointing:
the hard evidence the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency says it has against
cyclist Lance Armstrong and his decision not to contest those charges,
or the way so few people seem surprised by the prospects of another
athletic hero being tarnished.
The disappointment stems not
so much from the need for genuine heroes in the athletic world, but from
the need for genuine heroes in all walks of life who place integrity
and fair play above other considerations, especially money and fame. The
young people of the world — themselves vulnerable in a world dominated
by people older and more powerful than they — need such examples. They
need assurances that success in life hinges on things within their grasp
— honest effort and hard work — and not on their ability to secure
unfair advantages.
The athletic world has seen
its share of heroes fall in recent years. Baseball has been riddled by
accusations and admissions of steroid use. Former Olympic runner Marion
Jones had to give up her medals and serve time in jail. The unfortunate result has been that virtually any major athletic achievement immediately is tainted by suspicion.
Armstrong's case is
particularly compelling because he overcame cancer to become a
world-class athlete. His victories were seen as inspirational for people
undergoing physical challenges. If he tarnished that record through
dangerous drugs that might harm his health, the tragedy becomes doubly distressing.
Armstrong still professes his
innocence. His decision not to contest the charges against him in
arbitration, however, casts doubt on his claims. The USADA says it has
strong evidence he used illegal substances and encouraged teammates to
do the same. Ten former teammates reportedly were ready to testify
against him.
Armstrong may well have
decided that contesting the charges would have posed a never-ending
battle against his relentless critics. The reason that seems unlikely,
however, is that his decision now costs him his record seven Tour de
France titles and his legacy as one of the greatest athletes of his era.
To read the remainder of this Deseret News Editorial, click here.
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