There are several really glaring holes in Ballard's argument. Number 1: Coach Reid's Mormon religion does not influence him to leave Vick out as a starter. In fact the opposite is true. His religion teaches that everyone should be given a second chance, an opportunity to rehabilitate. In fact, Reid is the person who chose to hire Vick when everyone vilified him, so this argument is just plain stupid. In fact it is insulting. Number 2: Reid named Vick as his starter this afternoon, so Ballard must feel like a total fool right now. Number 3: Ballard also stated that normal people would be shocked that Coach Reid is LDS. Like Mormons can't coach football or something, like Mormons can't handle Philly, like Mormons don't want to be challenged in their work environment.
I really despise people who a) don't know what they are talking about but spout off anyway, 2) cannot back up their assertions with evidence, and 3) are just idiots. I suffer fools really badly and this Ballard guy just set me off. He is the in the same category as Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton (except for the rich female bit) in that we somehow give them air time and then wonder why fluff comes out their mouths. The media actually has a duty, in my opinion, to weed out this rubbish and provide some substance.
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